▼Pfr | |
▼Psoftsf | |
▼Psudokufx | |
▼Pannotations | |
CExcludedFromCoverageReportGenerated | Class(es), method(s) or constructor(s), annotated with @ExcludedFromCoverageReportGenerated should be excluded from the coverage |
▼Pe2e | |
▼Putils | |
CDynamicFontSizeChangeE2ETest | |
CMyEnumsE2ETest | |
▼Pintegration | |
▼Pviewmodel | |
CFullMenuViewModelITest | |
▼Pinterfaces | |
▼Pmapper | |
CIBackgroundMapper | This interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Background to objects of type BackgroundDto and vice versa |
CIGameLevelMapper | This interface defines methods for mapping objects of type GameLevel to objects of type GameLevelDto and vice versa |
CIGameMapper | This interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Game to objects of type GameDto and vice versa |
CIGridMapper | This interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Grid to objects of type GridDto and vice versa |
CIMenuMapper | This interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Menu to objects of type MenuDto and vice versa |
CIPlayerLanguageMapper | This interface defines methods for mapping objects of type PlayerLanguage to objects of type PlayerLanguageDto and vice versa |
CIPlayerMapper | This interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Player to objects of type PlayerDto and vice versa |
CISoftwareMapper | This interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Software to objects of type SoftwareDto and vice versa |
CIEncryptionService | |
CIFileSystem | |
CIKeystore | |
CIOsFolderFactory | Interface defining methods for accessing OS-specific folder paths |
CISplashScreenView | Interface for the splash screen view |
▼Pmodel | |
CBackground | |
CGame | |
CGameLevel | |
CGrid | |
CMenu | |
CPlayer | |
CPlayerLanguage | |
CSoftware | |
▼Prepository | |
CBackgroundRepository | |
CGameLevelRepository | |
CGameRepository | |
CGridRepository | |
CMenuRepository | |
CPlayerLanguageRepository | |
CPlayerRepository | |
CSoftwareRepository | |
▼Pservice | |
CFxmlService | FxmlService is a Spring service that manages the loading of FXML files and updating the root of the JavaFX scene |
CSoftwareService | |
▼Punit | |
▼Pservice | |
CSoftwareServiceUTest | |
▼Putils | |
►Pdatabase | |
►Pos | |
CExceptionToolsUTest | |
CI18nUTest | |
CMyEnumsUTest | |
▼Putils | |
▼Pdatabase | |
►Pconfiguration | |
►Pkeystore | |
▼Pos | |
CLinuxFolderFactory | Factory class for creating and managing LINUX OS-specific folders for the SudoFX application |
CMacosFolderFactory | Factory class for creating and managing MACOS OS-specific folders for the SudoFX application |
COsFolderFactoryManager | Configuration class for managing OS-specific dynamically |
COsFolderFactoryManagerUTest | |
COsFolderInitializer | The FolderInitializer class is responsible for creating the necessary folders for the application to function properly |
COsFolderInitializerUTest | |
CWindowsFolderFactory | Factory class for creating and managing WINDOWS OS-specific folders for the SudoFX application |
▼Psudoku | |
CSudoku | Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation |
CDynamicFontSize | Manages dynamic font sizing based on the dimensions of a JavaFX Scene |
CExceptionTools | Utility class for handling and analyzing exceptions |
CFileSystemManager | Manages file system operations, particularly folder deletion |
CFileSystemManagerUTest | |
CI18n | Utility class for internationalization (i18n) support |
CJVMApplicationProperties | Utility class for managing JVM application properties |
CJVMApplicationPropertiesUTest | |
▼CMyEnums | Utility class containing various enums used throughout the application |
CLogBackTxt | Enum for log messages and ASCII art |
COsName | Enum for operating system names |
CPaths | Enum for various application-specific paths |
CScreenSize | Enum for screen minimum size |
CToastLevels | Enum for toast notification levels |
CMyLogback | Configuration class for Logback logging framework |
CMyLogbackUTest | |
CMyRegex | Utility class for regular expression patterns and validation |
CMyRegexUTest | |
▼Pview | |
▼Pcomponents | |
CToasterVBox | A custom VBox component for displaying toast notifications |
CCrashScreenView | View class for the crash screen without business logic |
CFullMenuView | View class for the full menu screen of the Sudoku application |
CSplashScreenView | View class for the splash screen of the Sudoku application |
▼Pviewmodel | |
CFullMenuViewModel | FullMenuViewModel with business logic (not final) |
CLauncher | A launcher class to workaround classpath issues |
▼CSudoMain | The application main class |
CIPrimaryStageView | Interface for the primary stage view |