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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CExcludedFromCoverageReportGeneratedClass(es), method(s) or constructor(s), annotated with @ExcludedFromCoverageReportGenerated should be excluded from the coverage
 CIBackgroundMapperThis interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Background to objects of type BackgroundDto and vice versa
 CIGameLevelMapperThis interface defines methods for mapping objects of type GameLevel to objects of type GameLevelDto and vice versa
 CIGameMapperThis interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Game to objects of type GameDto and vice versa
 CIGridMapperThis interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Grid to objects of type GridDto and vice versa
 CIMenuMapperThis interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Menu to objects of type MenuDto and vice versa
 CIPlayerLanguageMapperThis interface defines methods for mapping objects of type PlayerLanguage to objects of type PlayerLanguageDto and vice versa
 CIPlayerMapperThis interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Player to objects of type PlayerDto and vice versa
 CISoftwareMapperThis interface defines methods for mapping objects of type Software to objects of type SoftwareDto and vice versa
 CIOsFolderFactoryInterface defining methods for accessing OS-specific folder paths
 CISplashScreenViewInterface for the splash screen view
 CFxmlServiceFxmlService is a Spring service that manages the loading of FXML files and updating the root of the JavaFX scene
 CLinuxFolderFactoryFactory class for creating and managing LINUX OS-specific folders for the SudoFX application
 CMacosFolderFactoryFactory class for creating and managing MACOS OS-specific folders for the SudoFX application
 COsFolderFactoryManagerConfiguration class for managing OS-specific dynamically
 COsFolderInitializerThe FolderInitializer class is responsible for creating the necessary folders for the application to function properly
 CWindowsFolderFactoryFactory class for creating and managing WINDOWS OS-specific folders for the SudoFX application
 CSudokuCopyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation
 CDynamicFontSizeManages dynamic font sizing based on the dimensions of a JavaFX Scene
 CExceptionToolsUtility class for handling and analyzing exceptions
 CFileSystemManagerManages file system operations, particularly folder deletion
 CI18nUtility class for internationalization (i18n) support
 CJVMApplicationPropertiesUtility class for managing JVM application properties
 CMyEnumsUtility class containing various enums used throughout the application
 CLogBackTxtEnum for log messages and ASCII art
 COsNameEnum for operating system names
 CPathsEnum for various application-specific paths
 CScreenSizeEnum for screen minimum size
 CToastLevelsEnum for toast notification levels
 CMyLogbackConfiguration class for Logback logging framework
 CMyRegexUtility class for regular expression patterns and validation
 CToasterVBoxA custom VBox component for displaying toast notifications
 CCrashScreenViewView class for the crash screen without business logic
 CFullMenuViewView class for the full menu screen of the Sudoku application
 CSplashScreenViewView class for the splash screen of the Sudoku application
 CFullMenuViewModelFullMenuViewModel with business logic (not final)
 CLauncherA launcher class to workaround classpath issues
 CSudoMainThe application main class
 CIPrimaryStageViewInterface for the primary stage view